- Decontaminate the dispense head and send it to the service experts at Quality Control Precision along with a Certificate of Equipment Decontamination. We offer special shipping kits at no additional cost. Contact us and we'll send one to you.
- Once we receive the head and decontamination certificate, we'll perform a thorough evaluation. You will be notified of our recommended service (Level One, Level Two or Level Three) and request your approval to proceed with the service.
- Once we receive your approval, the head will be disassembled and all o-rings, seals and spacers removed.
- The head will be washed in a simple cleaning solution followed by an alcohol wash.
- Every component will then go through a thorough inspection. Block style dispense heads are inspected under a microscope for any damage at their seal points. Mandrel style dispense heads are inspected by hand to check for any damage, deformity or seal point damage on the mandrels and pistons.
- Any parts that are damaged or deformed are replaced with in-house manufactured parts.
- Your dispense head is then re-assembled to a like-new condition.
- We then place the head on our burn-in machine to ensure that the pistons and mandrels are breaking in the seal point correctly. This burn-in process ensures the head performs like it should as soon as you put it back in use.
- Finally your dispense head will go through a series of tests to ensure it meets all specifications. It will also go through a validation test that includes a wick test, leak test, optical density test and accuracy test.
- Once validated, your dispense head is returned like-new with a Validation Certificate, parts we replaced and one year warranty.
We recommend your dispense head to be evaluated and serviced at least every 18 months. Our service evaluation quotes are free.